Passage: Judges 18:1~31  

Key verse: 6

The Danites had difficulty settling into their allotted inheritance in the Promised Land. Instead of trusting in God’s promise to tread the territory (Joshua 1:3), the Danites sought a place to migrate and settle.

Five spies were sent out in search of a suitable place. And on their journey, they stopped at Micah’s house and spent a night there. Being acquainted with Micah’s young Levite priest and getting a blessing from him, they went on their way and found a secluded town suitable for their purpose. The five spies returned the report and assembled six hundred armed men to take the place (11). On their way, the five spies remembered Micah’s household shrine with assorted idols completed with a Levite man as a priest who had proper priestly garments (14). They took the idols and the Levite young man to install in their tribe’s shrine by force (18-20).

Ironically, God proved Micah’s judgment unfit (17:13). God does not bless those who despise his will and fail to obey him. Is your heart right with God? We can do the right thing as we deny ourselves and follow the Lord (Mt 16:24)

Prayer: Father, thank you for making your will clear through your words. I want to obey you fully without altering any word you have spoken.

One Word: Worship God, not idols