Passage: Psalm 106:1~33  

Key verse: 106:1

First, his love endures forever (1-5). The psalmist praises God and gives thanks to God for he is good and his love endures forever. But who can praise God? Only those who act justly and who always do what is right. Who are those people? No one but his chosen ones whose sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus and justified not by their acts but by faith in Jesus! As the psalmist prayed, God may remember us to belong to those saved people by faith. We may also enjoy the prosperity of God's chosen people and join to praise God as his inheritance. Second, God remembered his covenant (6-33). However, the psalmist only saw the sins of his ancestors as well as his own. Out of a repentant heart he recites the long history of Israel's rebellion saying, 'We have sinned, even as our fathers did. We rebelled against God, forgot your mercy, grumbled, didn't obey your command, tested God, made a calf and worshiped an idol, had no faith to claim the Promised Land.' Yet the Lord saved them for his name's sake through the intervention of Moses and Phinehas, the shadows of Jesus

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your enduring love for sinners and for saving us by sending a Savior according to your covenant. Praise the Lord!

One Word: His love endures forever!