Passage: Ephesians 5:22~33  

Key verse: 5:22,5:26

First, wives submit to your husbands (22-24). The church submits to Christ in everything, because he is the head, and we are the body. Wives are to follow Jesus' example, practicing submission to her own husbands as to the Lord. This flows from her union and submission to Christ as head. Second, husbands, love your wives (25-33). Christ loved his church, laying down his life for her, to make her holy through the word. Husbands are to follow Jesus' example, loving their wives sacrificially. As Christ cares for each member of his body, so each husband is to care for his own wife as his own body, accepting God's intention for marriage: 'the two will become one flesh (31).' This union looks forward to the profound and eternal union between Christ and the church. Godly families that live this way give a pattern for all to follow.

Prayer: Father, thank you for Jesus, our loving Husband. Bless our marriages to display his Lordship and his sacrificial love to the world.

One Word: this is a profound mystery