Passage: Luke 11:29~32  

Key verse: 32

1. A wicked generation (29-30)

Wickedness is unbelief. Even though crowds grew in numbers in response to Jesus' ministry, they did not believe. They saw miraculous signs; they heard Jesus' gracious words; but they didn't repent or believe. Jonah was a reluctant prophet who spent 3 days in the belly of a big fish. He came out and preached repentance to the Ninevites. Jesus Christ would rise from the dead after 3 days in the tomb. This would be a sign of judgment to unbelieving people and a glorious hope to believers of all generations.

2. The witness of history (31-32)

The Queen of Sheba came to hear the wisdom of Solomon. She was moved by his words. Her simple faith is a judgment on the people of Jesus' time, for Jesus was greater than Solomon. Even the people of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah. Jesus was greater than Jonah, but the sign seekers did not repent and believe.

Prayer: Lord, give me and the people of my generation repentant, believing hearts.

One Word: Repent and believe the gospel