Passage: John 2:1~11  

Key verse: 7

1. They have no more wine (1-5)

Jesus and his disciples returned to Galilee and went to a wedding in Cana. Jesus' mother was serving in the kitchen when the wine failed. This small tragedy would ruin the banquet. Mary made the problem her own, and took it to Jesus. Jesus had begun his public ministry. He could no longer serve his mother as a human son. He must now live and work at the direction of his Father God. She was not discouraged by his seeming refusal (4). She trusted him and made an environment of obedient faith (5). We can learn from her how to pray.

2. Fill the jars with water (6-11)

The servants' obedience was wholehearted: They had to haul more than 100 gallons of water to fill the jars to the brim. Jesus turned the wash-water into delicious wine, and blessed the wedding feast. Jesus came to change useless people into useful people. He blesses and uses obedient faith. This event was a sign that revealed Jesus as God's Son and confirmed the disciples' faith.

Prayer: Lord, teach me the faith of Mary and the obedience of the servants.

One Word: Fill the jars to the brim