Passage: John 4:16~26  

Key verse: 26

1. Go, call your husband (16-20)

Jesus' command revealed her sinful life and her thirst for love. She said, 'I have no husband.' Jesus accepted her answer without rebuking, and pointed out her problem. She had sought to quench her thirst with men's love, but after 5 husbands and one boyfriend, she was still unsatisfied. Her problem was not physical, but spiritual. She saw that Jesus was a man of God, and that he cared about her, so she asked him how to meet God.

2. Salvation is from the Jews (21-26)

Jesus taught her about God. God is Spirit; he is seeking those who seek him. Then he reminded her of a hard fact: God was sending the Savior through the Jews. She didn't like Jews; but she was also waiting for the Messiah. She overcame her human thinking and accepted Jesus. He revealed to her that he was indeed the Messiah.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for seeking to quench my thirst in other things; thank you for the water of eternal life.

One Word: Jesus is my Christ and Savior