Passage: John 8:12~30  

Key verse: 12

1. The light of life (12-20)

Jesus is the eternal Word; in him is the life which is the light of men. He is the true light that enlightens every man (Jn 1:4,5,9). He is the light of the world. He promised that whoever follows him would never walk in darkness. This promise is for the sin-enslaved woman and for the Pharisees who hide in the darkness of unrepentance. It is for anyone who lives a godless and meaningless life and wants to find true direction. It is an invitation to follow Jesus and live a life of mission.

2. Jesus solves our sin problem (21-30)

Jesus did not come to judge sinners; he came from God to bring us back to God and to his eternal heavenly kingdom. Without Jesus we must die in the darkness of our sins (21,24). He died on the cross as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world (28,29).

Prayer: Lord, lead me throughout my earthly pilgrimage to the heavenly kingdom.

One Word: Jesus is the light of the world