Passage: John 13:31~38  

Key verse: 34

1. Now is the Son of Man glorified (31-33)

Judas went out to betray Jesus; Jesus' death was at hand. Jesus glorified God by obeying him even to death on the cross. He thus revealed God's love for sinners and God's hatred of sin. Through his obedience, Jesus fulfilled all that God had promised. He revealed God's faithfulness. In this climatic moment, Jesus had one word for us.

2. As I have loved you, love one another (34-35)

Jesus' command is new because Jesus set a new example of love. Love is a greatly misused word. So we must learn love from Jesus. He does not teach us abstract love. He does not teach selfish love. We can prove that we are his disciples only by loving one another as he loved us.

3. You will disown me three times (36-38)

Peter loved Jesus, but he loved himself a little more. Jesus' prediction of Peter's denial became for Peter a way back to Jesus and a way to life.

Prayer: Lord, teach me your love and help me to practice it.

One Word: Love one another