Passage: Acts 20:1~6  

Key verse: 1

1. Encouraging the disciples (1-3)

The believers in Ephesus knew that making a commitment to Christ was dangerous, for when they followed Jesus, they challenged the materialism and hedonism of the Ephesian culture. Though his life was in danger, Paul was not discouraged. He encouraged the believers in Ephesus, then in Macedonia to give generously to help the poor believers in Jerusalem (1Co 8; Ro 15). He arrived in Corinth (Greece) and stayed there three months. He probably wrote Romans while he was there.

2. The trip to Syria begins (4-6)

When Paul started to sail from Corinth to Syria, he learned of a Jewish plot to kill him. He decided to take the inland route and sail from Philippi. This enabled him to help the Macedonian believers complete the pledges they had promised. He would then go to Jerusalem to deliver the offering, taking with him representatives from the Gentile churches in Europe and Asia Minor.

Prayer: Lord, give me eyes to see how you used adverse circumstances to accomplish your own world mission purpose.

One Word: The best encouragement