Passage: 1Corinthians 9:1~14  

Key verse: 12b

1. Am I not free? (1-12a)

Paul was a free man because he had met Jesus. God had used him in Corinth, and the changed lives of the believers were evidence that his mission was from God. He was criticized by those jealous of his successful ministry. As a Christian and servant of God, he had some indisputable rights: the right to receive a salary; the right to marry and travel around with his wife; the right to have a family. Peter and the other apostles exercised these rights. Furthermore, the rights of God's servants are clearly defined in the Scriptures. Every kind of worker has the right to be supported by his work. Gospel workers are not exceptions.

2. We put up with anything (12b-14)

Paul did not use his rights, but gave them to God for the sake of the gospel. He worked with his hands as a tentmaker missionary. He lived a single life. He said, 'We put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel.' He did not avoid the cross in his personal life. His one aim was to preach the gospel.

Prayer: Lord, forgive my selfish life, and help me to give up any right that hinders the gospel.

One Word: I give my rights to Jesus