Passage: 2Corinthians 4:1~6  

Key verse: 6

1. Setting forth the truth plainly (1-2)

It is by God's mercy that we have this ministry, so we must not be discouraged. Sometimes we are tempted to compromise with gospel truth to make it easier for people to believe. But Paul was clear. He didn't distort the word of God to make it more palpable. He spoke the truth plainly, in the sight of God. He refused to be discouraged when people rejected the gospel, for he knew that worldliness and unbelief blind men's minds to see the light of the gospel.

2. God shined his light into our hearts (3-6)

God who created the universe in the beginning and said, 'Let there be light,' shined the gospel light into our hearts. His light enables us to see the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, problems come. Thank you for showing me that the problem is not a problem, but how I solve the problem is important. Help me to renounce ungodly and unbiblical ways and speak the truth of your word simply, so that you may do your own work through your word.

One Word: God's light shines in our hearts