Passage: 2Corinthians 4:13~18  

Key verse: 18

1. God will raise us with Jesus (13-15)

What do we believe? We believe that God who raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us and in our sheep. He will transform us by his power and complete the work of restoring his image in us. He will bring us into the very presence of God. We also believe that his grace and power is available to anyone who believes, so we share the gospel with others. As God's grace works in more and more people, God is glorified, and we are full of thanksgiving.

2. Therefore we do not lose heart (16-18)

Paul was not free of human problems. His health was sometimes not good. He was misunderstood and persecuted. Some of his sheep and coworkers ran away. But he was not discouraged. Why? Because he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus, and his hope in the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for working in me and in those with whom I am studying the Bible. Help me to put my hope in Jesus only.

One Word: Don't lose heart