Passage: Galatians 1:1~5  

Key verse: 4


Paul the Apostle probably wrote this letter from Syrian Antioch sometime between 48-53 A.D., to the Galatian churches which he had pioneered on his first missionary journey.

This letter is about freedom in Christ. There were some Jewish Christians who could not accept the Gentile believers as true brothers. They did not accept world mission from their hearts. They only worried because the Gentiles had not been circumcised and did not keep some of the Old Testament regulations. And they just didn't like people who were different from them. They did not see the amazing grace and mercy of God who was opening the door of salvation for all the people of the whole world.

Paul reminds us that we are saved by grace alone, through faith in Jesus alone (2:16). We are set free from bondage to sin by the blood of Jesus so that we may live lives of faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Contents of Galatians

1. The Apostle to the Gentiles--1:1-2:21

2. Faith like Abraham's--3:1-29

3. Faith based on promise, not law--4:1-31

4. The secret of real freedom--5:1-6:18

1. An apostle sent by the Risen Jesus (1-2)

The Risen Jesus sent his disciples into all the world as apostles of the good news (Ac 1:8; Mt 28:19,20). Paul was also sent by the Risen Christ and by the Father to be an apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15,16; Gal 2:8). He wrote this letter to some of his Gentile sheep. As disciples of Jesus, we are also sent by the Father and by the Risen Jesus to make disciples of all nations. He is our power source (Mt 28:18-20). We may fail or become discouraged because of our own weaknesses and sins, but he will never fail.

2. To rescue us from this evil age (3-5)

Jesus did not please himself; he obeyed God's will. He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age. We are forgiven sinners. We belong to Jesus. We don't have to be melted into the worldly culture. He set us free from guilt and from the power of sin so that we might live for the glory of God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to rescue me from the world. Thank you for giving me your work to do. Help me to live for your glory.

One Word: Rescued to live for God's glory