Passage: Galatians 1:11~24  

Key verse: 1:11

First, God revealed Jesus in Paul (11-17). False teachers, who may have claimed to be from the Jerusalem church, planted doubt about Paul's preaching. Paul clearly states that the gospel did not originate in man. Nor did he receive the gospel from another person. Paul received it directly from Jesus. Previously Paul had persecuted Christians in his zeal for Judaism and its traditions. But in God's sovereignty and grace, Jesus Christ was revealed in Paul. God's new mission for Paul was to preach the gospel to Gentiles. Rather than meet the apostles, Paul went to Arabia. The gospel and his new mission were clear; no other confirmation was needed. Second, Paul's changed life (18-24) . After some years passed, Paul went to Jerusalem to meet Cephas (Peter) and James. They recognized his ministry to the Gentiles. Then Paul continued in Syria and Cilicia. His changed life testified to the power of the gospel. Though the churches in Judea did not know him personally, they praised God for changing Paul from a persecutor to a gospel worker.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for revealing Jesus to us. Change us to be so Christ-centered that others may praise God because of us.

One Word: Preach the gospel of God