Passage: Galatians 4:8~20  

Key verse: 19

1. Formerly you did not know God (8-11)

Before Paul preached the gospel to the Galatians, they did not know God. So they were slaves to false gods, to their own passions, or to material things. Now, they were in danger of forgetting God's grace. When believers do not continue faithfully in Bible study and prayer, they become easy prey to false teachers and/or they easily fall back into old, habitual ways of thinking and acting.

2. What happened to your joy? (12-18)

When Paul first came to them, he was physically sick--but they welcomed him and joyfully accepted Jesus whom he preached. But now they were listening to teachers who tried to alienate them from Paul and from the gospel.

3. Until Christ is formed in you (19-20)

Paul prayed for them earnestly, like a woman in labor. He prayed that Christ might be formed in them, and that he alone might rule their hearts.

Prayer: Lord, teach me Paul's patience and persistence in prayer.

One Word: Until Christ is formed in you