Passage: Galatians 6:1~6  

Key verse: 2

1. Carry each other's burdens (1,2)

An individualistic society tends to make people indifferent and selfish. But Christians must care about others. This means that we must gently rebuke and lovingly exhort a brother who sins. But when we do this, we must be keenly aware of our own shortcomings and weaknesses. We exhort others, not as righteous judges, but as forgiven sinners. We must be responsible for helping a brother who has a burden too heavy to carry.

2. Each one must carry his own load (3-6)

Each of us must strive to live before God, not before people. When we do this, there is no room left for inordinate pride. We should not compare ourselves to others or be dependent, either emotionally or materially on another. We must learn to be dependent on God and be an encouragement, not a burden to our Bible teachers.

Prayer: Lord, help me to depend on you alone, and to care about others enough to lovingly rebuke them when necessary.

One Word: Carry each other's burdens