Passage: Ephesians 4:7~13  

Key verse: 12

1. He gave gifts of grace (7-12)

There is one Lord, but there is a diversity of gifts which Christ gives the captives he sets free. Christ, who descended to this world in his incarnation, ascended to the highest heavens and poured out his Spirit on his own people. He equips his Church to serve him. Each of us receives different gifts, but every gift he gives has one purpose: To prepare God's people for service so that the whole body of Christ may be built up (12).

2. Until we become mature (13)

Divisions among God's people are a mark of immaturity. The goal of our growth is unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God--that is, maturity in Christ. We must encourage one another, and build up one another. And, instead of competing with one another, we must each strive to grow in Christ's love and in knowledge of him until we attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Prayer: Lord, help me to use the gifts you have given me to glorify your name and build up your people.

One Word: Build up the body of Christ