Passage: Ephesians 4:17~24  

Key verse: 24

1. Put on the new self (17-22)

Most of the Ephesian Christians were Gentiles. But Paul uses the term 'Gentiles' here to mean those who do not know God. They are those who are apart from God and are controlled by their sinful nature. They are the ones Paul decries in Romans as those whose thinking is futile and whose 'foolish hearts are darkened'. (Rom 1:21) They are the ones who have given themselves over to a depraved, sinful life. Paul admonished the Ephesian Christians that they must not live like this any longer. They belong to Christ. When we belong to Christ we put such ways aside.

2. Made new in the attitude of your minds (23,24)

What happens when we put on the new self? The attitudes of our minds are made new. This means we become new creations! The gospel teaches us the truth of our new life in Jesus. We are made to be like God, in righteousness and holiness. Because of Jesus, our old, sinful selves are gone. God doesn't see us anymore as dirty sinners and His enemies. Rather, we are a new creation in Him!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the new self you have made us to be through Jesus. Help us to live as your new creation in all righteousness and holiness.

One Word: Take off the old self; put on the new