Passage: 1Thessalonians 2:17~3:5  

Key verse: 2:20

1. You are our joy (2:17-20)

The new believers in Thessalonica seemed to be too weak; they were almost like orphans, for their shepherd was torn from them when they were too young. Paul eagerly wanted to come and see about them, but he could not. When he thought about how God had worked in them, and how they had responded to the gospel, he rejoiced. He tasted the shepherd's greatest joy--the joy of seeing the fruit of his labor and prayer.

2. To encourage your faith (3:1-5)

Paul was afraid that these new believers would be discouraged and full of all kinds of human thinking because of the persecution that he was receiving. He reminded them that he had expected persecution--it actually confirmed God's word. In addition, Paul also feared that some false teachers had led them astray. When he couldn't stand it any longer, he sent Timothy to find out about their faith and to encourage them.

Prayer: Lord, teach me the shepherd heart of Paul. Help me to see your work in others and rejoice.

One Word: Rejoice in God's work