Passage: Hebrews 12:18~29  

Key verse: 25

1. God spoke at Mount Sinai (18-21)

When the people came to Mount Sinai and stood before the Lord to receive the Law, the Bible, the mountain shook; fire, smoke and thunder terrified the people. They were afraid to hear the voice of the awesome God. Even Moses trembled with fear.

2. Do not refuse him who speaks (22-25)

Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, symbolizes the dwelling place of the Holy God. Myriads of angels and all of the saints of past ages are with him. He is the living God, the judge of all men. We come to him through a new covenant, sealed in Jesus' blood. Abel's blood called out for justice; Jesus' blood speaks of forgiveness.

3. A kingdom that cannot be shaken (26-28)

When the final day of judgment comes, all created things will perish; only the eternal things will remain. We have received a kingdom that will not perish.

Prayer: Lord, I come to worship you with a reverent heart. Thank you for the new covenant. Help me to listen to your word.

One Word: Our God is a consuming fire