Passage: Genesis 17:1~8  

Key verse: 5

1. Walk before God Almighty (1-3a)

After Ishmael's birth, thirteen years elapsed. Abram was busy being a good father to him. He thought that his 'no son' problem was solved. But he was living a compromised life, for his heart was not wholly committed to God. When the Lord appeared to him and reminded him that God is Almighty, and called him to walk before God, not before his wives and son, Abram fell facedown in repentance.

2. Your name will be called Abraham (3b-8)

Abram means, 'noble father,' Abraham means 'father of nations.' God had a great plan for Abram. He wanted him to be the father of faith for the whole world--not just the physical father of one son. The Eternal God wanted to make an everlasting covenant with him. God called Abraham and blessed him so that through his descendants all nations might be blessed. God's long-range plan was to send the Savior of the world through Abraham.

Prayer: Lord, help me to walk before you with an undivided heart, and be a blessing to the world.

One Word: To bless all nations