Passage: Genesis 18:1~15  

Key verse: 14

1. Unexpected guests (1-8)

The Lord and two angels came to visit Abraham, God's friend. Abraham welcomed the visitors wholeheartedly, even though he may not have recognized them at first. They accepted his wholehearted invitation and his enthusiastic serving. His whole household participated. They served the guests with joy. God's people should show hospitality to strangers (Heb 13:2).

2. God's promise to Sarah (9-15)

Sarah needed faith. Abraham had already been told about Isaac, but Sarah needed to repent of her fatalism and unbelief and put her trust in God. She was too old to have children, so she needed resurrection faith in the Creator God, the Author of life. The Lord gave her a concrete promise to believe, and he taught her through a rebuke that nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Prayer: Lord, give me an open hand and heart toward the guests you send. Help me to be your friend, and help me to have 'nothing is too hard for the Lord ' faith.

One Word: Nothing is too hard for the Lord