Passage: Genesis 18:22~33  

Key verse: 25b

1. The righteous Judge of all the earth (22-26)

When the angels set out for Sodom, Abraham knew that Sodom would not pass God's test. He was distressed because of Lot, who lived there--so he stood before the Lord and prayed for Sodom. He based his prayer on the righteous character of God. The word 'righteous' or 'right' appears here seven times. Abraham believed that the Judge of all the earth would not destroy the innocent. Abraham knew that Lot was essentially a moral man; he hoped there were others like him. Abraham could not help Lot any more--but he prayed for him.

2. I am nothing but dust and ashes (27-33)

Abraham prayed with a shepherd heart for Lot. He humbled himself before God, and asked God to spare the city for the sake of 50 righteous men. He kept on, until God agreed to spare the city for the sake of ten. God would spare even Sodom for the sake of his remnant. When God destroyed Sodom, he remembered Abraham and spared Lot (19:29).

Prayer: Lord, I am dust and ashes, and you are great and righteous; thank you for hearing and answering prayer.

One Word: Prayer makes a difference