Passage: Exodus 20:1~11  

Key verse: 3

1. I brought you out of slavery (1-2)

God's commandments rest on his grace. He saved his people from bondage in order to bless them and make them a blessing.

2. You shall have no other gods before me (3)

God demands first place in our affections and in our lives. He alone is God.

3. You shall not make any idols (4-6)

We must worship God in God's way. We must not use visible objects as aids to worship. God is a Spirit. We must worship him in spirit and in truth.

4. You shall not misuse God's name (7)

We must not use God's holy name in a disrespectful way. Furthermore, God's name represents his person. If we call ourselves God's people, we must act like God's people.

5. Keep the Sabbath day holy (8-11)

We must worship and serve God one day in seven; this is real rest. Furthermore, we must work hard for six days.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for teaching us how to live. Write your commandments on my heart.

One Word: Love God with all your heart