Passage: Exodus 34:1~9  

Key verse: 9

1. The Lord reveals his glory (1-7)

Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the ones he had broken and went up the mountain to meet God. The Lord came down in a cloud and proclaimed his name, 'The LORD.' He revealed his just and merciful character. He is compassionate and gracious; he forgives sin; he abounds in love and faithfulness; but he punishes the guilty and unrepentant.

2. Moses' prayer of repentance (8-9)

When Moses first heard about the people's sin, he prayed, based on God's promises and God's character. Later, he prayed a passionate shepherd's prayer, offering his own life to atone for their sins. God did not relent. Moses then took time to make friends with God in prayer. He realized that he, too, was a sinner, and he asked God to forgive our sins. He made no excuses; he simply asked for forgiveness and for God's presence: 'Let the Lord go with us.'

Prayer: Lord, forgive me and forgive the sins of our nation and take us as your inheritance.

One Word: God hears a repentant prayer.