Passage: Judges 3:12~31  

Key verse: 30

1. Moab's power over Israel (12-15)

Once again the Israelites did evil in God's sight. So God allowed King Eglon of Moab to have power over Israel. He joined with two other Canaanite kings and captured Jericho. He ruled Israel for 18 years, exacting tribute.

2. God raises up a deliverer (16-31)

How dark and shameful were those times when Israel had to pay tribute to her ancient enemy, Moab! When Israel cried out to the Lord in repentance, he gave them a deliverer. Ehud was a young man with a passion to set his country free. He used his left-handedness to take Eglon by surprise and kill him. Then he led the men of Israel to win a great victory. He was a shepherd who helped his people serve God in peace for 80 years. After him came Shamgar, who saved Israel from the Philistines.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for turning disadvantages into advantages and using a left-handed shepherd. Raise up shepherds who can lead your people in peace.

One Word: God used a left-handed shepherd