Passage: 1Kings 8:22~53  

Key verse: 8

1. Will God really dwell on earth? (22-27)

Solomon built a magnificent temple, but he realized that God is far bigger than any temple. God's Presence dwells in the temple, but God himself is so great that even the universe cannot contain him. The Creator is greater than all his created works.

2. When you hear, forgive (28-53)

The temple was the place where blood sacrifices were made for the forgiveness of sins. God is always ready to hear the prayers of repentant sinners--and all have sinned (46). He forgives those who seek his mercy and forgiveness. He allows hardship so that people will repent of sin and seek his face. God's Name is in his temple (29). God's name, 'I AM' (Ex 3:14) means that he is the living, loving, Almighty God who is present to save those who confess his name. The temple points to Jesus. Anyone who comes to God through Jesus' blood and calls on his name will be forgiven.

Prayer: Lord, forgive my sins and the sins of my people. Turn our hearts to you and heal our land.

One Word: God forgives repentant sinners