Passage: Proverbs 3:11~35  

Key verse: 12

1. The Lord's discipline (11-18)

Wisdom from God is more precious than gold or jewels; it is worth making a great sacrifice to obtain it (14-18). God teaches us his wisdom through discipline. When he disciplines us, we must first remember his love. Then we must seek to learn what he wants to teach us. We are very foolish if we resent or despise God's discipline. We only suffer more and do not grow.

2. The Lord's wisdom (19-35)

God is the source of all wisdom; he created the world by his wisdom. He gives us wisdom through his written word. He tells us not to live by our feelings but to exercise sound judgment and discernment. If the Lord is our confidence, then we can sleep peacefully. We must deal with others in God's way, not according to our pride or anger (27-32). We must not envy a violent man or choose his ways. God blesses the righteous and gives grace to the humble.

Prayer: Lord, teach me your wisdom and your love. Help me to walk in your ways.

One Word: Discipline...for those he loves