Passage: Isaiah 10:1~34  

Key verse: 20,21

1. The rod of God's anger (1-19)

God is concerned about human rights; he hates injustice. He warned the leaders of Israel that he would use Assyria as a rod to discipline them for making unjust laws, for depriving the poor of their rights, for oppressing God's people and making weak people their prey. These selfish leaders would fall with the slain or cringe among the captives. He wants his people to repent and turn to him for healing and victory.

2. A remnant will return (20-34)

Assyria would not dominate the world permanently. God's anger against his people would soon turn. He would punish the king of Assyria for his arrogance and wilful pride. A remnant of Israel would repent and turn to God. God always works through a holy remnant. Although the majority of those who taste his blessings turn from him; there is a holy remnant who will repent and become stewards of his history.

Prayer: Lord, help me to remain as one of your holy remnant. Give me a repentant heart each day as I come into your presence in prayer.

One Word: Be one of God's remnant people