Passage: Isaiah 1:24~2:4  

Key verse: 1:27

God’s wrath is often described as a consuming fire. We also think of hell as a fiery pit of endless torment for the wicked. This may make us fear that God will destroy us for any and every mistake. But the fire of God is a refining, purifying fire. It is a saving fire that restores and saves the oppressed and contrite in heart. It leads to justice and righteousness. God wants to heal and restore, not traumatize his people. We should examine our hearts if it has a right view of God.

The vision of God’s reign in the last days is of the mountain of the LORD’s temple as the highest of mountains. All nations will flock to the LORD’s temple, where, “The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” Weapons of war and conflict will be turned into tools for cultivation. There will be justice and peace. What comes from the mountain is beyond words and rituals. It is truth, grace, and awe in God’s majesty.

Prayer: Father, purify our hearts and our lands, and renew us to see the majesty of your kingdom on high. Give us a heart of justice, righteousness, and peace.

One Word: Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord