Passage: Jeremiah 45:1~5  

Key verse: 5

1. Baruch's sorrow (1-3)

Baruch was Jeremiah's co-worker. He shared in the ministry of the word by writing on a scroll the words of the Lord dictated by Jeremiah. It was hard, but very important work. The king burned one scroll, so he had to do the whole thing over again. When Baruch saw the negative response of the people to God's word, he was very sorry and he became tired.

2. Seek not great things for yourself (4-5)

Jeremiah gave God's message to Baruch. His problem was that he expected some reward--at least some recognition or honor for his hard work. But God's message for a rebellious people was one of impending disaster and judgment. It was painful for God to punish his people so severely, for he had loved them so much. How could God's servant seek something for himself at such a time? God would spare his life. That was sufficient grace.

Prayer: Lord, help me to serve you faithfully and seek not great things for myself.

One Word: Seek God's glory