Passage: Mark 15:16~32  

Key verse: 24a

1. Jesus was mocked by the soldiers (16-20)

Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah, saying "He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain." The truth of this prophecy became painfully clear as the soldiers wrapped a purple robe around Jesus and placed a crown of thorns on his head. They beat him with a staff, spit on him, and mocked him by bowing down before him. In their eyes, the thought of Jesus being a king was ridiculous. He did not resemble Rome's military leaders in the slightest way. It is because Jesus is a much greater king. He is a king who would endure this for his own people. He is a king who took our punishment upon himself.

2. Jesus was crucified (21-32)

Rufus was forced to carry the Lord's cross as they led Jesus to Golgotha. He was offered wine mixed with myrrh, but the Lord refused it. Mark writes, "and they crucified him." Crucifixion was so horrifying, that the mere mention of it was enough. The written charge against Jesus read: THE KING OF THE JEWS. Those who were passing by, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and even the other criminals continued to mock the Lord: "He saved others...but he couldn't save himself." It was actually true. Jesus could not save himself and others. He chose others and gave his life as a ransom for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are our savior and our king. Thank you for making us your own by dying on the cross.

One Word: Jesus was crucified for our salvation