Passage: Luke 19:1~10  

Key verse: 10

1. The man who wanted to see Jesus (1-4)

As chief tax collector, Zacchaeus had reached the top. But in order to get there, he had crushed many poor people, and he had collaborated with the oppressors of his people. He was short in stature, but aggressive and able. He got what he wanted. But his success had not brought him peace or filled the emptiness in his soul. He had heard that Jesus did not despise sinners and tax collectors, and he wanted to see him. The people of Jericho showed their dislike of Zacchaeus--for no one helped him to see Jesus. So he ran ahead and climbed a tree by faith to see Jesus.

2. "Zacchaeus, come down immediately" (5-10)

Our Messiah Jesus saw Zacchaeus and his small mustard seed of faith. Jesus knew Zacchaeus' name and all about him. He invited himself to Zacchaeus' home. Zacchaeus welcomed him. He was thankful for Jesus' grace and he repented. His repentance was life-changing. Salvation came to his house, for he received Jesus' love and grace by faith. Jesus restored him as a true son of Abraham. This is why the Son of Man had come, to seek and save the lost like Zacchaeus. Likewise, Jesus knows all our selfishness and wickedness, but he does not despise us. Rather, Jesus is seeking all the lost children of God to bring them back to his kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for seeking a lost sinner like me. Help me to live as a repentant sinner, saved by your grace.

One Word: Jesus came to seek and save the lost