Passage: Luke 19:28~40  

Key verse: 38a

1. "The Lord needs it." (28-34)

As Jesus prepared to enter Jerusalem, we are reminded that he is the sovereign Lord over all creation and that every detail of the events that followed were carefully orchestrated by God. When the disciples went to retrieve the donkey, they found everything to be just as the Lord had said. Jesus knew everything about this donkey and the words "The Lord needs it" was all that had to be said as the disciples untied the donkey and brought it to Jesus. The disciples and the owners of the donkey set a good example for us to follow. The lordship of Jesus means that we obey his commands, depend on his authority, and surrender to Him everything he desires to use.

2. "Blessed is the king!" (35-40)

The disciples placed Jesus on the donkey and as he rode along, the people placed their cloaks on the ground in front of him. The whole crowd of disciples joined in jubilant praise as Jesus humbly presented himself as our savior and king. Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! His kingship defies all worldly expectations. He is the king who restores peace between heaven and earth and who brings glory to God above. His praise and worship cannot be silenced.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are our Savior and King. We worship and adore you with all our hearts.

One Word: Blessed is the King!