Passage: Luke 24:1~12  

Key verse: 6

1. He is not here: he has risen! (1-8)

At dawn on Sunday, the faithful women went to the tomb with the spices, but found Jesus' body was gone. Suddenly two angels appeared and rebuked them for looking for the living among the dead. The angels proclaimed the good news of the resurrection: "He is not here; he has risen!" This is the greatest story ever told. The resurrection of Jesus is the glorious message of hope for the human race. The angel reminded them of Jesus' words foretelling his arrest, crucifixion and resurrection. Then they remembered Jesus' words. Our resurrection faith must be based on God's words.

2. Strips of linen lying by themselves (9-12)

The women went immediately to the disciples and joyfully reported Jesus has risen! But the disciples did not believe them. Overcome by the horror of Jesus' crucifixion, they were in shock and had forgotten his words. However, Peter went to the tomb and found the strips of linen lying there that demonstrated Jesus rose from the dead. Peter had heard the women's testimonies and seen the empty tomb and the strips of linen, but he just kept wondering. We, too, need to remember Jesus' words in order to believe.

Prayer: Lord, help me to believe and accept newly the good news of Jesus' resurrection based on your words.

One Word: Believe Jesus has risen!