Passage: Jeremiah 31:23~40  

Key verse: 31

1. God refreshes the weary (23-30)

God's promises were a stark difference to life in the besieged city. The prophetic words revealed God's hope for his people, that they would be brought back from captivity. He wanted to bless and restore them. He would refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. God will watch over them.

2. God himself will uphold the covenant (31-40)

The words "I will" are repeated. The people were totally helpless to change their own hearts or their situation. But God would do it by a new covenant. God is able to achieve for us what we could never achieve for ourselves. God will bring redemption for his people and glory to himself. God will draw his people near to him. The whole covenant will be established on the basis of God's love and power and faithfulness. There is peace, rest and assurance for us in this new covenant.

Prayer: Lord, I could never come to you on my own. But you made it possible through the Gospel.

One Word: Resting in the new covenant