Passage: Jeremiah 51:33~64  

Key verse: 45

1. God will defend our cause (33-43)

The nations were confused and in despair. They saw no way out of their suffering under the Babylonian yoke. But the Lord came to free them. They Lord came to defend their cause and avenge them. They were helpless to change anything. But when God moved, things began to change.

2. Nations will no longer stream to idols (44-64)

One of Babylon's greatest sins was causing the nations to indulge in the worship of their idol, Bel. They kept the nations from coming to the Lord and oppressed them endlessly. But God would crush their idol. The stream of people who worshipped Bel would cease. God pled with his people to come out of Babylon and its idol worship. They must not linger for God's judgment will come on all idols.

Prayer: Lord, when I was full of despair and confused, you defended my cause. You set my heart free from idols. Thank you, Lord.

One Word: Flee from idols and go to God