Passage: Ezekiel 14:1~23  

Key verse: 11

1. To recapture the hearts of the people of Israel (1-11)

When a man sets up an idol in his heart he loses the privilege of seeking God's wisdom and help. A prophet should not cooperate with one who sets up an idol in his heart and puts a stumbling block before his face. God wants to recapture the hearts of his people. Idols of the heart anger him. He wants his people to worship him and let him rule their hearts. He is God; he must be first.

2. If a country sins against me (12-23)

God is just; he promises to punish a country which is unfaithful. Even such righteous men as Noah, Daniel and Job could not save their countries by their righteousness--they could only walk with God and be saved themselves. God's punishment--sword, famine, wild beasts and plague--have a purpose. Those who survive can know God, repent, and be saved.

Prayer: Lord, remove the idols from my heart and help me to walk with you. Help me to call the people of our time to repentance.

One Word: Repent from the heart