Passage: 1Kings 11:1~13  

Key verse: 10

1. Solomon's wives led him into idolatry (1-8)

Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. These women were from nations that God had forbidden the Israelites to intermarry. They had their own gods. Nevertheless, Solomon was steadfast in his love for them - at the cost of loving God. Eventually they led him astray and he sanctioned idolatry in Israel. Husbands and wives must encourage one another to love and serve God.

2. The LORD became angry with Solomon (9-13)

The LORD was angry with Solomon. Solomon had turned his heart away from the LORD to idols. Solomon did not keep God's covenant and commands. Solomon's idolatry did not happen overnight nor was God angry only about the false gods. Solomon had a long-time pattern of compromising with the world and living by his pride that culminated in this overt idolatry. The LORD announced that he would tear the kingdom out of Solomon's hands but would leave one tribe to his descendants for the sake of David.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the warning from Solomon's life. Lead us not into temptation.

One Word: Beware of idols; keep God's commands