Passage: Leviticus 21:1~24  

Key verse: 21:6

First, holy to their God (1-12). A priest was held to a higher standard of holiness and purity since he served in the holy temple, handled holy objects and offered up the food of God. So a priest couldn't go near his dead wife. The high priest couldn't go near any dead relative; he had to stay in the sanctuary (temple) serving God (10-12). Priests must be holy to their God. Second, the Lord makes them holy (13-24). The high priest could marry only a virgin. The aim was godly offspring and pure devotion to God. A man with any physical defect could not serve as a priest, just like the defectless animal offerings that were acceptable to God. Jesus was the perfect sinless High Priest who served God on our behalf (Heb 7:26-27). Christians are also a royal priesthood chosen to declare his praises (1Pe 2:9).

Prayer: Lord, you are holy, and you demand perfection. Praise our perfect priest, Jesus, who ministers in heaven for us. Enable us to live up to our calling as a holy priesthood.

One Word: A holy Priest and a holy priesthood