Passage: Mark 11:12~19  

Key verse: 17

1. A fig tree with no fruit was cursed (12-14)

A fig tree with leaves looked good from a distance. But when hungry Jesus wanted some fig, he found no fruit in it. It was like the hypocritical Jewish leaders with inner corruption. Such fruitless people will be judged as Jesus said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." These verses also seem to teach about the importance of bearing fruit especially when the Lord needs it. I must always be available to Jesus to be used by God.

2. A temple of God with no prayers was cleansed (15-19)

Jesus arrived in Jerusalem and entered the temple area. Jesus saw the temple to be the den of the robbers. Jesus used Scripture to teach that the temple should be the house of prayer for all nations. Then Jesus drove out those sellers and buyers and overturned the table of moneychangers. But the religious leaders did not repent. They planned to kill Jesus judging him according to their tradition. Our heart is also the temple of God.

Prayer: Lord, help me not just look good outwardly but bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace... (Gal 5:22-23). Cleanse my heart and make me a house of prayer for all nations!

One Word: My heart is the temple of God!