Passage: Mark 11:27~12:12  

Key verse: 12:10

1. The authority of Jesus questioned (11:27-33)

In the temple courts, the religious leaders asked about Jesus' authority in clearing the temple. They assumed that they had the authority to stop his ministry on grounds that it was illegal with no permission or certificate from them. Jesus turned the tables on them by asking, 'Where did John's authority come from--from heaven or from men?' They discussed it and said, "We don't know" avoiding the truth about John's authority from heaven as well as Jesus'. Still they couldn't deny it for fear of the people. They were political and man-centered hypocrites.

2. The parable of the tenants (12:1-12)

They did not deserve any truthful answer. Yet Jesus told a heart-cutting parable to awaken their dead consciences. They were just like the tenants who did not want to admit their tenant-ship. When the owner continued to show his patience and mercy toward their rude behaviors, they misinterpreted it as his weakness and became too bold to kill even the owner's son. What would happen next? Jesus quoted the Scriptures about the builders and the Stone. The religious leaders would reject and kill Jesus but God would make him the Cornerstone. Whoever builds his house on this Cornerstone will stand forever. Whoever rejects him will be destroyed.

Prayer: Lord, forgive my stubborn heart to deny your ownership upon my life and the world. Let me build my house upon the Cornerstone Jesus.

One Word: Jesus is my cornerstone