Passage: Daniel 3:1~18  

Key verse: 17,18

1. A king's idolatrous image (1-7)

King Nebuchadnezzar proudly made a 9-story image of gold. He summoned the kingdom's officials and commanded all people to fall down and worship the idol at the sound of all kinds of music. Whoever didn't would burn to death. Everybody obeyed. Well, not everyone.

2. Three men's valiant faith (8-18)

Perhaps Daniel was out of town. But his three Jewish friends-Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego-refused to worship the image. The enraged king threatened, "What god can rescue you?" Read verses 17-18. They knew that God is able and God loved them. They believed that God would rescue them. But, even if he didn't, they were ready to die for their faith in and love for God.

Prayer: Lord God, you are able and loving. Give us such faith and love for you that goes beyond seeking worldly benefits, by your Spirit.

One Word: God is able and he will deliver us