Passage: 2_Chronicles 1:1~17  

Key verse: 10

1. Solomon seeks the Lord (1-6)

Solomon was not a self-made man. There is no such thing! God was with him and God made him exceedingly great. This happens today when we surrender our lives to Christ. Solomon gathered all the leaders of Israel at Gibeon to inquire of the Lord. They offered 1,000 burnt offerings, representing their complete devotion to the Lord. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.

2. Solomon's prayer (7-17)

God appeared to Solomon that night and prompted him to ask for whatever he wanted from God. What would you ask for if you were him? Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge to lead God's people. His request demonstrated a heart for God's people and God was very pleased to answer his prayer. God is honored when we seek his kingdom and his righteousness first. He will hear and answer our prayers if we pray for wisdom to love others, to serve those in need, and to preach the gospel to the whole world.

Prayer: Father, grant us wisdom to live for Christ and advance your kingdom.

One Word: God answers our prayers for wisdom