Passage: Leviticus 25:23~34  

Key verse: 25:23

First, redeeming sold land (23-28). The land was God's. His people were just renters. If they became poor and had to sell their land, the nearest relative (kinsman redeemer) could redeem it (buy it back). If no one redeemed it but they again prospered, they could buy it back. Otherwise, the land would be given back in the year of Jubilee. Second, redeeming houses (29-34). Houses in walled cities could be redeemed up to one year. After that, the new owner got the house permanently. Houses in unwalled villages could be redeemed or would be returned in the Jubilee. The Levites had the right to buy back houses that they sold in their assigned towns, because the Levites belonged to God as temple servants.

Prayer: Lord, what we have is yours and this world is not our permanent home. Help us to live as citizens of heaven, redeemed by Christ.

One Word: It's all God's