Passage: Mark 9:1~13  

Key verse: 7

Jesus took Peter, James and John with him up a high mountain where he was transfigured before them. his clothes became dazzling white and the glory of God radiated from him. Moses and Elijah appeared and were talking with him. The disciples were surrounded by the presence of God and they heard his voice declare, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” All of these things worked to reassure the disciples and to help them accept the suffering that was coming. They had confessed Jesus to be the Messiah and now God himself confirmed the deity of Christ. They saw firsthand the glory that Jesus had before he came into the world and the glory that he was returning to after his death and resurrection. They saw how Jesus satisfied the Law and the Prophets through the witness of Moses and Elijah. God himself declared his love for Jesus and the truth of his words. The disciples didn’t like hearing about his suffering and the cross, but this was God’s will for the Son he loved. The disciples also saw the wonderous glory that awaits all those whose trust is in the Lord. Those who belong to Jesus will live forever with him in glory. Peter’s mistake was to speak his own thoughts instead of listening to Jesus. This is our temptation as well. We are to watch, observe, and listen to Jesus by carefully considering his words. Soon, the disciples would understand the full meaning of his death and resurrection.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, show us your glory.

One Word: Listen to Jesus.