Passage: Mark 9:42~50  

Key verse: 50

Jesus warns the disciples very seriously about those who corrupt young people. They will be judged severely. Young people are impressionable and are easily caught up by the godless media and cultural sins. Young people need to be protected, and we are responsible for guarding them from sinful influences.

Jesus also warns us to be serious about our own sins that cause us to fall. We must make personal sacrifices (not literally our body parts) to be free from sin in and around us. It is better to suffer to make personal sacrifices (such as avoiding worldly friends, the Internet, and bars) than to continue in a life of sin and to be judged in the fires of hell.

Jesus describes salt’s greatness as its flavor. Salt tastes bland when it is mixed with other minerals. As Christians, we must cut off sins and impurities in our lives in order to have a godly influence. Or, we will be salted with fire in hell. Also, in ancient times, when two people –including enemies – shared salt, it symbolized a vow of peace. When we make personal sacrifices to remove sin from our lives, we have influence and peace with all others.

Prayer: Lord, please strengthen me to deal seriously with sin and have a godly influence and peace with others.

One Word: Cut off sin and be a salty Christian