Passage: Hebrews 9:11~28  

Key verse: 26b

The previous passage explained the limitations of the earthly sanctuary and the traditional system of sacrifice. Then how can Jesus be the perfect sacrifice that brings redemption?

The Jews were familiar with the concept of redemption through the annual ceremony of shedding the blood of animals, as Moses had taught. However, the ceremony was a mere copy of the heavenly things–the forgiveness of sins through a sacrifice (23). What makes Jesus the perfect sacrifice apart from the bloodshed annually in the earthly sanctuary was his heavenly nature and willingness to lay down his life to redeem the sins of the world (26).

Jesus died on the cross only once. This introduces a new concept of sacrifice. He entered heaven itself rather than the Most Holy Place and into the presence of God. Thus, he brought salvation to us all as he removed the barrier that sin had placed between God and us. The repeated death was no longer needed as Jesus' sacrifice completed the heavenly work.

Prayer: Father, thank you for Jesus who shed his blood to redeem us from our sins. Thank you for the forgiveness of sins we receive in Jesus. Please help us not to cling to our old guilt and remorse but be secure in knowing your heavenly grace.

One Word: Jesus is the perfect sacrifice