Passage: Isaiah 56:9~57:21   

Key verse: 57:15

Israel’s religious leaders are called to be watchmen and shepherds for God’s people, but they lack foresight and knowledge. They are blind, mute, and asleep; they are greedy, lazy, and self-indulgent. They neglect their responsibilities. As a result, all kinds of evil flood in such as sorcery, senseless idolatry, blatant immorality, and child sacrifice. They served God, but they were idolaters at heart. They sought peace and security through idols or powerful nations. But those things cannot save them when they cry out for help. There is no peace for the wicked and the proud, but whoever takes refuge in God will survive the day of God’s judgment and will be secure. 

God is the holy, eternal, high, and exalted one who dwells in a high and holy place. But his dwelling is also with the lowly in spirit and the contrite. When we recognize our spiritual bankruptcy and turn to him, he promises to forgive, heal, guide, and comfort us. God hates sin, but he doesn’t despise a broken heart. God revives our contrite hearts and transforms our inner person through the work of the Holy Spirit, revealing the glory of his grace. The repentant sinner knows the grace of forgiveness and tastes the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Lord, I am proud and idolatrous at heart, but I come to you with a contrite heart. Please forgive me and revive my heart and spirit to love you and live for your glory. 

One Word: God dwells with the contrite in heart