Passage: Judges 11:29~40  

Key verse: 32

Jephthah was known as a mighty warrior. He had the spiritual and historical knowledge to defend Israel’s rightful ownership of the Promised Land. He also had the discernment to let the Spirit of the Lord lead him into a battle. These were qualifications to be a leader of God’s people. Yet he made a foolish vow to God to give whoever comes out of his house first upon his return as a burnt offering (31). He lacked trust and respect for the Creator God, who has absolute control of all things.

Jephthah and his fellow Israelites won a great victory as the Lord willed (32-33). However, he faced the consequences of his vow when his only daughter was the first one who came out to greet him in joy (34-35). It is unclear if Jephthah’s daughter was given as a human offering since Mosaic law forbids such practice (Lev 18:21; Dt 12:31). Popular belief is that she was unmarried and remained in seclusion as a Lord’s servant (39,40). Apart from speculation, this passage gives us a valuable lesson. A spiritual leader must trust in God, know that victory is his (Dt 20:4), and overcome fear (Jos 10:8).

Prayer: Father, thank you for your words. Please help me to have courage in you to stand against the world today.

One Word: Trust the Lord